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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weekend in Memphis

Since Jason and I weren't able to go to Memphis last week, we made plans to go this weekend. I had a dentist appt. in Aberdeen with Jana and Dr. Richardson. I hadn't been to the dentist in several years and was way past due. I have one cavity and have got to have a crown, which I figured. So anyone who wants to donate to the fund can stop by Bancorp South and deposit money in my account. Haha, JK! Thanks Jana for the great cleaning.

After the dentist me, Jason, Jana, and Michael headed for Memphis. We stayed at the Marriott downtown, which was a great hotel. We got checked in and headed to Beale Street and had supper at Blues City Cafe, which was great, then left there and went to Hard Rock to have dessert. It was raining and we were walking so it made for a quick trip. When I was younger, I thought Beale Street was great, but man was I mistaken. I guess if you lived the party life then its for you, but yuck it was nasty. The place is just a street of emptiness. People are trying to fill a void in their life with drinking and who knows what else, when that is not the answer. Anyways, we then went back to hotel for sleep.

(Jana and I on the trolley headed to Beale Street)

(Jason and I on the trolley)

(Jason and I in front of Hard Rock Cafe)

(Jana and Michael)

Saturday morning we got up and had breakfast and headed to hospital to see Blythe. She was doing very well. She has been through so much and is still a trooper. She is suppose to be moved to Tupelo hospital on Tuesday for rehab. She is looking forward to coming home, but knows she has got to get well first. Thanks to Jana, Michael, and Jason for hanging out at the hospital for several hours while I was able to visit with Blythe. Please keep those prayers coming for her.
We then met up with Chris and Amy for a little shopping then had supper and headed home.
Thanks for a great weekend Jana and Michael, can't wait to plan another weekend getaway.

I want to wish Sarah Catherine a Happy Birthday this Tuesday. We are planning to go out and eat sushi to celebrate.
The kids are off for Spring Break so I am sure we will try to make plans to do something with the youth this week.
Hope everyone has a great week and God Bless.

Monday, March 9, 2009

No Pictures.....

....What kind of blogger am I. We had a great weekend and I forget to bring my camera, not one day, but two. So I will give a quick recap minus the pictures.

On Friday my long time best friend DeAnna came home for the weekend with her little girl Karsyn. Also Jeremy, Nina, and Bronner came home for the weekend. Friday night we all met up at the Roberts in Aberdeen and went to Town and Country and ate supper. We had a great time with everyone and Karsyn was just too cute eating up all kinds of food. Bronner just hung out, bless his heart, he didn't feel real well as he had shots early in the day. After supper we all went back to the Roberts' house and hung out and the girls caught up on things we have been missing out on.
On Saturday Jason and I went to Columbus High and watched Hamilton Jr. High and JV play ball. Jr. high lost, but JV won!! It was such a nice Saturday, I enjoyed being outside so much. Saturday afternoon we went to Jason's parents and met up with Jeremy, Nina, Bronner, Emily, and Jason's parents for an afternoon of grilling and eating steak and shrimp for supper. We tried planning a summer vacation, but it is hard trying to find a time that is good for everyone, might just end up going our own ways, we will just have to see.

Sunday we had a wonderful church service. The Lord is really blessing our church! Sunday night, Jason, myself, Drew, Sayonia, and Andlyn took most of the youth to Winter Jam in Tupelo. IT WAS AWESOME! We left after church and went to the mall for everyone to have lunch then arrived at the Bancorp South Arena for a several hour wait outside before the doors opened. Everyone who performed was great, but none compared to TobyMac and Diverse City, they rocked the house!!! The kids all had a great time.. Look to the youth blog in the upcoming days for some pics.
Jason and I are looking to going to Memphis this weekend. Jana and Michael are going with us.
Please continue to keep Blythe in your prayers, she has made much improvement, but still has a way to go.
DeAnna, I hope Karsyn gets to feeling better and you all stay well!

Hope God blesses each one who reads this the way he is in our lives!! GOD BLESS!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Terrible at Blogging

Hello to all...Sorry I am terrible at this posting thing, not much to write about anyways.
Jason has now started a blog for the youth group, check it out,

We had a snow day on Sunday which was great. We love snow, but never get it here. It was very short lived, but hey I can't complain.

I would like everyone to remember my cousin Blythe Dillard in your prayers. She was in a car accident 2 weeks ago and has been at the Regional Medical Center in Memphis in the Trauma Unit. She is doing well considering all she has been through. She has had multiple surgeries and still has one of two to go. She is 24 y/o and has a 3 y/o daughter and they both really need our prayers.

Our plans for the weekend were to originally to go to Memphis and see Blythe, but I think we have decided to wait and go next weekend. Hopefully she will have a better week next week and will feel up to company.
My good friend DeAnna is coming home this weekend, so maybe we can get together and catch up on things.

Hope everyone has had a great week and has a great and safe weekend. God Bless!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just a Little Bragging

I have recently decided that it was time for a change in my life. I have been over weight for some time, well forever, and have finally decided to get SERIOUS about it. Everyday I am telling my patients the importance of weight loss for there health, but how can I do that when I am more overweight than most of my patients and have the same health problems. Emily got a Wii Fit for Christmas, so Jason and I were thinking we would love to get one. Well Jason bought us a Wii about 2 weeks or so ago, and thanks to Mom we got a Wii Fit. I started working out with it on Sunday Jan. 25. I worked out Sun, Mon, Tues, and Wed. I watched what I ate all week, didn't have any fried foods or sweets. On Friday we went to Birmingham to spend the weekend with Jeremy, Nina, and Bronner so I didn't work out and didn't do as well with my eating as I could/should have. I started back Sunday night on the Wii and back watching my calories and I am proud to say that I have LOST 6lbs. YAY!!! I am so proud of myself. Not only for the weight loss, but just knowing that I can and have been excited about this. This is just a tiny step into my life change, but I have to start somewhere. I never even thought that I could exercise like this, within a weeks time I can already run farther without giving out of breath as quick, I also feel LOTS better already and it hasn't even been 2 weeks yet.
I set my goal in weight loss as 15lbs in 1 month, so far so good. Please pray for me and Jason as we continue our quest together.

Nothing much else going on around our world. Jason has been getting all his paper work sent in for his class in June, so hopefully he will be ready to find a teaching job come August. Pray for him as he will be able to complete all the requirements and the Lord will open the door for him somewhere.

I would also like to Praise the Lord for the wonderful church/church family that we have. The Lord has blessed us in many ways and our church is continuing to grow. We have recently paid off our church note in approximately. 5 years and will be having a note burning ceremony this Sunday. Also the youth class is growing and growing. We are averaging around 20-25 in class. We are trying to find a bus/van to accommodate this growing number. My life has truly been blessed in the past several months in watching Jason and the youth interact and me learning as much, if not more at times as the kids. I feel the Lord is working on me as well with these kids. I see myself in so many of them and I just pray I will be able to make a difference in ones life. So many are on the edge and Satan is working so hard in the Youth's life to pull them away, but I pray these kids will be able to stand up against Satan. Pray for Our Youth and their daily struggles also pray for Jason (and myself) as he works with the youth and as I figure out what exactly I need to be doing with some of the kids.

Hope everyone has a great rest of the week. GOD BLESS!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

We are still here.

Sorry for such the delaying in posting an update, We are still here. I don't even know where to start this update. I guess I will get the worse part out first. Grandma Jaudon went to the be the Lord on Thursday, December 18th around 4:00am. We all knew this was coming, but I can't say that it made it any easier. I got the call early that morning and it was going to be several hours before hospice could arrive and the funeral home was already getting ready to come get Grandma, so they needed someone to take the catheter out and they called me. Mom was just going to let me explain how to do it over the phone, but I told her I would just come do it, WOW! It was hard having to do that, but well worth it in the end. The nurse with hospice was a male and Grandma would not have wanted him to do that to her. Anyways, we had the prettiest service for Grandma, she would have been proud. Her favorite color was purple so all her sons wore purple ties and the preacher wore a purple shirt and tie. Any of the family that had purple also wore it. All the songs were just as she wanted and my cousin Donna even wrote a song for Grandma the day before the service and sang it. Grandma would have been so proud. I guess the jealous part of me still wants her here and still wants to be at church on Sunday mornings and look down from the choir and see her sitting in the crowd so attentive. I catch my self driving home from work on my 1/2 days planning to go over to her house and see her (which is normally what I did). Jason and I was cleaning out the refrigerator the other day and I looked and I have less that 1/2 jar or pear preserves left and started crying b/c it is the last jar of her preserves I will ever have. Sorry, I am getting carried away, just needed to let the feelings out. I just catch myself thinking of something everyday and just crying.

Onto Christmas.
Everything with Christmas went great. We headed over to the river in Aberdeen to my Mawaw and Papaws on Christmas Eve and had a great time with my family, with some more crying moments. Grandma Jaudon always had Christmas Eve with us:( We left there and headed to Millport to Jason's mom and dads house. We also had a great time there. This was little Bronner's first Christmas and he pretty much just slept right through, can't wait till next year when he is into everything. Christmas morning we were at my parents house with my Grandaddy and also had a great time. Then it was over, way to quick I think.

New Years came and went with nothing much going on. Several of the kids from church came over and hang out playing games and xbox. I was ready to be in bed around 11:00, but managed to stay up till 12:00, I am really starting to tell that I am getting older.

On January 1st we went to the Junkin's Christmas in Kennedy AL with Jason's Grandmother and Aunts and Uncles. We had a good time with family there. We had to have it later this year b/c Jason's Aunt Rhonda found out she had colon caner and had surgery the week of Christmas. She is recovering well and the doctors got all of the cancer and she will not have to have any kind of treatments. Praise God, he still answers prayers.
Later that evening we had plans to go over and hang out at Randy and Denise's to spend some time with Jeremy, Nina, and Bronner. While we were there we received a call from the nursing home telling Denise that Aunt Myrtle had passed away. This was such a blessing, she was lonely and couldn't wait until the day she would be with the Lord. She had been in the nursing home for about 5 years and didn't want to be here any longer. She to had a wonderful service. Denise, Nina, and myself had the opportunity to go buy her a dress. She had wrote in her papers that she wanted a blue or pink dress and gold ear rings. Well we found the greatest dress for her that was blue and found some gold ear rings, she looked great in the dress. Aunt Myrtle had wanted Jason to do part of her service and he did a wonderful job, she too would have been proud.

On December 23rd my Great Aunt Rose went into the hospital after going into cardiac arrest. She remained in the hospital with no change until January 2nd when she finally went to be with the Lord. This happening the day after Aunt Myrtle died and just 2 weeks after Grandma died. This was not expected and just so heartbreaking to us all. Aunt Rose was Irish and was just a doll. Most all of the flowers at the funeral home was green and white and lots of people wore green.

This has all been hard on all of our families, but yet it has been a "happy" time. All of these great ladies are with the Lord now, as the bible says, to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord. That gives us as Christians the joy in knowing that one day when the Lord is ready for us will also be with the Lord and get to see our loved ones again. That helps me in my grieving in knowing that I will see my family members again.

Sorry for the sad and long post, hopefully no more of this to come. I will also try to start posting at least once of week and that way it want be one long post as this one was. Hope everyone has a wonderful week and God Bless.