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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just a Little Bragging

I have recently decided that it was time for a change in my life. I have been over weight for some time, well forever, and have finally decided to get SERIOUS about it. Everyday I am telling my patients the importance of weight loss for there health, but how can I do that when I am more overweight than most of my patients and have the same health problems. Emily got a Wii Fit for Christmas, so Jason and I were thinking we would love to get one. Well Jason bought us a Wii about 2 weeks or so ago, and thanks to Mom we got a Wii Fit. I started working out with it on Sunday Jan. 25. I worked out Sun, Mon, Tues, and Wed. I watched what I ate all week, didn't have any fried foods or sweets. On Friday we went to Birmingham to spend the weekend with Jeremy, Nina, and Bronner so I didn't work out and didn't do as well with my eating as I could/should have. I started back Sunday night on the Wii and back watching my calories and I am proud to say that I have LOST 6lbs. YAY!!! I am so proud of myself. Not only for the weight loss, but just knowing that I can and have been excited about this. This is just a tiny step into my life change, but I have to start somewhere. I never even thought that I could exercise like this, within a weeks time I can already run farther without giving out of breath as quick, I also feel LOTS better already and it hasn't even been 2 weeks yet.
I set my goal in weight loss as 15lbs in 1 month, so far so good. Please pray for me and Jason as we continue our quest together.

Nothing much else going on around our world. Jason has been getting all his paper work sent in for his class in June, so hopefully he will be ready to find a teaching job come August. Pray for him as he will be able to complete all the requirements and the Lord will open the door for him somewhere.

I would also like to Praise the Lord for the wonderful church/church family that we have. The Lord has blessed us in many ways and our church is continuing to grow. We have recently paid off our church note in approximately. 5 years and will be having a note burning ceremony this Sunday. Also the youth class is growing and growing. We are averaging around 20-25 in class. We are trying to find a bus/van to accommodate this growing number. My life has truly been blessed in the past several months in watching Jason and the youth interact and me learning as much, if not more at times as the kids. I feel the Lord is working on me as well with these kids. I see myself in so many of them and I just pray I will be able to make a difference in ones life. So many are on the edge and Satan is working so hard in the Youth's life to pull them away, but I pray these kids will be able to stand up against Satan. Pray for Our Youth and their daily struggles also pray for Jason (and myself) as he works with the youth and as I figure out what exactly I need to be doing with some of the kids.

Hope everyone has a great rest of the week. GOD BLESS!!!